When you think about the Argentine Northwest, you think of its landscapes. This region allows the visitor to enjoy a wide range of environments: colorful mountains, both super dry and wet areas, deserts, jungles and forest. One of the most curious place to visit are the salt flats. These enormous white patches of land consist
The Argentine Northwest is a region characterized by its numerous species and natural beauty. National parks are protected areas within a specific legal framework created to preserve the native animals and plant life so that future generations can enjoy them. Let’s learn more about the national parks located in both Salta and Jujuy provinces. These beautiful
Food is a very serious deal in Argentina, and specially in the provinces of the Northwest. A mixture of colours and flavors from both pre hispanic cultures and Iberian cuisine that will make eating a key experience during your trip. We invite you to try some of these delicious options! Empanadas A lot has been
When visiting a new city, it’s always a great idea to see it from a nice viewpoint. Luckily, Salta has a beautiful natural balcony: San Bernardo hill. Located to the east of the city, this little green jungly mountain allows us to enjoy a stunning view from the top, almost 300 meters above Salta. This
The winter break is a great opportunity for many locals to take a few days off the routine and get to know one of the many options Argentina has to offer. Thousands of visitors come to the Northwest each year to enjoy and blow their minds with the views, culture, music, food and everything the