Tickets for the Train to the Clouds

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Tickets for the Train to the Clouds

Tren a las Nubes versión BUS TREN BUS

Train to the Clouds: BUS-TRAIN-BUS

The "Bus-Train-Bus" version of the Train to the Clouds combines a bus journey to the San Antonio de los Cobre station. The train traverses majestic landscapes to reach the La Polvorilla Viaduct, concluding with another bus journey back to Salta.
4.94 / 3 reviews
precio final p/p
1 day
Saturday, Thursday, Tuesday
4200 masl
Tren a las Nubes versión SOLO TREN

Train to the Clouds: ONLY TRAIN

The "Solo Tren" option is for those with their own transportation. Passengers must make their way to the San Antonio de los Cobres train station, from where they will board the train to reach the La Polvorilla Viaduct and return.
3.91 / 1 review
precio final p/p
1 day
Saturday, Thursday, Tuesday
4200 masl

History of the Train to the Clouds

This tourist railway project arises from the initiative of the authorities of the General Belgrano Railway.

In November 1971, they decided to conduct an experimental journey with the participation of officials and journalists.

Viaducto la Polvorilla del Tren a las NubesOn July 16, 1972, marks the official start of tourist trips, a tradition that lasted for 18 years until the privatization of state railways.

From 1991 to 2014, the “Train to the Clouds” was under the management of private investors from Salta.

In July 2014, Governor Juan Manuel Urtubey decided to create the state-owned company “Train to the Clouds.”

According to journalist Luis Borelli, the name of the train has its roots in a film made by two individuals from Tucumán in the 1960s, covering the Salta – Socompa route.

In a memorable scene, upon reaching the La Polvorilla Viaduct, the locomotive released lateral steam that, due to the low temperature, created a striking image suspended in the air for a few moments.

The work was offered to the Railway and then handed over to journalist Emilio Petcoff from Diario Clarín, who wrote the documentary script.

Petcoff, fascinated by the spectacle of steam embracing the locomotive at La Polvorilla, titled the work “Train to the Clouds.” Subsequently, Ferrocarriles Argentinos adopted this name for the country’s only railway tourist project at that time, covering 217 km of the C14 Line.

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